4.375" x 10 ", Gouache on Arches 140# Watercolor Paper
$125 framed. The price includes shipping
Email finelinegallerymail@gmail.com for more info. I do take payments.
Certified check or money order please.
This painting is the second in my series, "Seasons of the Giant". The Sleeping Giant is the prominent geological formation that overlooks the Helena Valley from the north.
Arctic outbreaks are powerful winter storms that roll down out of Canada along the Rocky Mountain Front with high, bitterly cold winds that scour snow from fallow fields. Temperatures drop rapidly to below zero degrees fahrenheit. The lilac-grey sky in this painting is the leading edge of the storm front just before it envelops the valley. When one of these outbreaks hits, it is time to settle in under a comforter with a hot drink and a good book.
(The camera was not able to pick up the strong lilac cast of the sky in the painting.)
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