Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Update from the Studio

Hello to my blog visitors and supporters, I set a New Year's goal for myself of publishing one new piece of work each week, but as with many good intentions, reality set in and I wasn't able to complete any of the five pieces I'm currently working on. There are a variety of reasons for that, but mostly a lack of physical endurance. My brain surgery had a mild stroke-like effect on my right side, and since I'm right handed, I tire easily after two or three hours of painting. I've spent most of January focusing on painting with acrylics, which have a short drying time, hoping that using them would help me to complete my pieces quickly. But I've found the medium completely frustrating; and I've decided to shift my painting focus to watercolors and oils. I've started a new watercolor and am trying to finish up a couple oils I've had in the works for a while. I look forward to posting completed artwork in February. There may be writing interspersed with my posts in the future. I used to write for a regional magazine prior to my brain surgery; and painting was more of a secondary pastime. But one of the side effects of the surgery was aphasia (difficulty finding words when speaking or writing)- not a good situation for a writer. Recently the aphasia fog has lifted and words are starting to flow again. So I intend to occasionally post a short piece of writing, be it a short essay about the inspiration for a piece, or just observations on my world here in Montana. I'm an historian by education so there may be historical tidbits as well. I hope you enjoy both my art and my writing. Thank you once again for your visits and support.